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  Farr Air Filtration




Based in Holly Springs Mississippi the Farr unit, which was acquired by Racor in 2000, produces air-intake filtration products for diesel-powered fire trucks, buses, heavy-duty off-road equipment, marine applications, mining machinery, and power generation. There is a good  chance that you are at this very moment breathing fresh air that has passed through a filter manufactured by them. They can be found everywhere from offices to  clean rooms for sensitive electronics production, mines, factories, hospitals and nuclear power stations.

Their success is based on a collaborative development  process with their customers and suppliers. Maintaining an open dialogue is essential if the end result, clean air, is to be optimized and achieved. Farr  knows that a filter solution must always be customized and optimized for each new environment. And they are convinced that a perfect clean air solution will always protect the environment and make everyone feel and perform better.

For you as a customer, this means that you stand to benefit from their global  knowledge bank and the resources that a world-leading company constantly invests in research and development. At the same time, we will be only too pleased to provide you with the right filter solution for your particular needs.



Farr Products:


  • Eco Series Spin-On Disposable Air Cleaners
    These air filters are completely disposable and offers faster, safer, more trouble-free service than any other air cleaner today. Built for rugged use, it combines maximum engine protection with fuel-efficient performance and long service life.
  • Pamic Light and Medium Service Air Cleaners
    Pamic series air cleaners provide unmatched engine protection for a wide range of equipment, from generators to compressors, stationary engines to marine engines.