- Chem Flo 1 & 2 : These are pumps used in the chemical processing industry and are pushed to the limit in terms of performance and durabilty. The pumps are investment-cast in 316 stainless steel for superior strength and corrosion resistance
- Chem Flo 3 & 4 : Same as the Chem Flo 1 & 2 pumps but differ in size and the amout of flow and pressure.
Hot Oil 80, 120, and 300 Pumps : The HTO 80, 120, and 300 are unique
centrifugal pumps designed for high temperature applications without requiring external flushes or jacket cooling. They are used for
applications in the plastics, chemical, food, and processing industries which require pumping of high temperature fluids up to 650 degrees.
- Poly 200 Pump
: This self priming centrifugal pump is made of all polypropylene construction and flows up to 150 GPM and has pressures up to 100 feet head.
- FLOMAX 8 (Stainless steel) Pump : This self priming centrifugal pump is made with 316 stainless steel which gives you more corrosion resistance and
an increased service life and application flexibility. This pump has flows up to 140 GPM and pressure up to 100 feet head.
- FLOMAX 5&8 (Double seal) : These self priming centrifugal pumps are made
with 316 stainless steel and features a double mechanical seal with a barrier
fluid chamber. It flows to 160 GPM and has pressures to 95 feet head.
- HHLF Pump : This is a 1 1/2” - 2” high head self priming centrifugal pump. It
contains a 5 or 7.5 HP “C” face electric motor drive. This pump can flow up to 140 GPM and has pressures up to 190 TDH.
- Hydraulic Drives for MP PUMPAKS
: The MP PUMPAK concept makes it
possible for you to purchase a pumping package of your own design, and using interchangeable adaptors and drive sleeves the MP PUMPAKS can be mounted to Hydraulic Pedestal Drives, C-face electric
motors, gasoline or diesel engines, clutch driven pedestals, and the universal bearing block drives.