HP Premium Pumps Series portable models are designed for two or four man transportation to remote water sites. They have fold out handles and are enclosed with high strength thermoplastic covers that ensure a clean appearance and quiet operation. The molded plastic fuel tank is an integral part of the pump base. Therefore, there is only one item to carry, other than the required suction and discharge hoses, when the pump is placed into service. These models are NFPA 1921 compliant. The HP75 and HP100 Premium Attack Pumps deliver the high pressure required for forestry, or any other high pressure application. They are ideal
for wildland fire fighting with long lays of small diameter hose and dramatic elevation changes. NFPA defines an attack pump as "...a unit with a defined minimum capacities at 150 psi (1034 kpa) net pump pressure that is used primarily for general overhaul, protecting, protecting exposures, and wildland fire fighting." The HP75 and HP100 Premium pumps exceed the minimum pressure and can deliver pressures up to 340 PSI (23.5 BAR) for the HP75 and 280 PSI (19.3 BAR) for the HP100. Hale's most popular model pump, the HP200 Premium Combination Pump is for lower pressure wildland fire fighting and minimal, external structural fire fighting. It is ideal for fire departments which encounter both brush fires and water relays. NFPA defines a combination pump as "...a unit with a defined minimum capacities at both 150 psi (1034 kpa) and 25 psi (172 kpa) net pump pressures that is used for wildland fire fighting, water supply, and tank filling. This pump is not intended for structural interior fire fighting." It replaces the Hale 25FR-B42 models. The HP300 Premium Supply Pump is for water relaying, supplying, dewatering, and tanker loading. It is ideal for rural water handling operations in regions that frequently are without hydrant systems. This unit is the workhorse of the product line and is used for a variety of tasks. It is carried on a pumper as a portable pump. NFPA defines a supply pump as "...a unit with a defined minimum capacity at 50 psi (345 kpa) net pump pressure that is typically used for filling water tanks on fire apparatus from an open body of water or for supplying water at short distances to the fire ground. This pump is not intended for direct fire fighting." It replaces the Hale 25/30FB-B42 models. The HP400 Premium Transfer Pump is the super tanker filler. This is designed specifically for tanker shuttle operations in rural regions, or any other application requiring very high flow and low pressure. NFPA defines transfer pumps as "... a unit with a defined minimum capacity at 15 psi (103 kpa) net pump pressure that is typically used for filling water tanks on fire apparatus from an open body of water. This pump is not intended for direct fire fighting." The HP400 delivers the highest flow (500 gpm or 1890 L/min) of the four models. It is the only model with two discharge valves.